I know it's not just me that thinks there are some professional athletes out there that have lost sight of what's important when signing with a team or visiting another city during the season.
There have been a few athletes as of late that have complained about having nothing to do in a particular city when they're there or a team wants to bring them there as a free agent signing....and it's not for the right reasons.
You would think they would say, "I want to be on a team I can win with," or "This team is offering me a lot of money and I want as much as I can get," but lately some have said, "There's nothing to do there."
Since when is going to a city to play their sport been about what there is to do in that particular area? Aren't you there to play your game?
Every time I hear someone say there's nothing to do wherever they are, it makes me sick. Hey guys, you aren't there to go partying or clubbing. You're there to help your team and your team's city, but you're also representing them.
Here's an idea--concentrate only on your game and shut up instead of going to the club and maybe you'll get better and your team will do better. Again, you're there to play a game. Do whatever you want to do in the offseason, I don't care. I could really care less. But during the season, I want your best and your eye on and only on the prize.
So guys, get your act together and remember why you are where you are in the first place--to play your game.